Monday, December 1, 2008

The Night Timqth Lost His Green Headband.

...and did other fun stuff too.
If Singapore was sideways this is what it would look like.

I just came here to answer a question. The question that has plauged everyone back home.
"What happens to your bull ring when you get a runny nose?"
Basically, it's gross. But not that noticeable until I get in front of a mirror and have a nice ol squiz inside.
Dude and his fully sick bike in Singapore.

Enough of the hard hitting stuff. I do believe last time I was on this sight I was a lil more asian and a lot more tired. Well let me tell you, that night on the plane I once again put fuel to the fire that I was autistic in a former life and displayed my ability to not sleep while next to people I do not know and thus spent a something-teen hour flight with no sleep.

First beer in Yourope, across from a pre-school.

So, arriving in London 5:30 am local time I settled down in a Starbucks (shut up it was the only place with seats that was open) and waited for Nafan to arrive. Our slow motion hug was a lil lacking in effort, mainly due to his early morning and my 10 hours sleep in the past four nights. Together we braved heavy back packs, cold weather, light drizzle and self-centered Londerners and enjoyed our (very hazey) first day together in Yourope, with a guest appearance from the beautiful Natalie.

Bloody tourists.

Nathan in front of that big screen in V for Vendetta.

Later that evening we staggered out of East Croyden train station and before I acknowledged how long it had been since I'd seen my cousin, we were sitting in a warm lounge room eating pasta drinking wine and being soothed by the constant worrying on Danielle that I looked ridiculously tired.

You can look this good to if you try and see how little you can sleep for four days.

Fast forward through fried chicken, many long walks to/from Croyden train stations, expensive cocktails and absinth (paid for by Nat's legendary dad), fried chicken, a jazz club, getting home at 5 am, a very lack luster but enjoyable Crystal Palace soccer game, fried chicken and dinner with Ian and Dani's friends from Aus: Nafan and I found ourselves (on the second attempt to catch the 20 pound pre booked bus) in Bath.

Keeper sure didn't do much in this game.

Hanging in Nat's fancy hotel.

Nafan sleeping at a traino at 4am.

Quite easily the highlight of the trip so far, it was nice to breathe fresh air and not worry about getting mowed down by business people with their blue tooth ear piece and four thousand dollar (i.e 50 pound) suits. The buildings were wicked (even I took a few snaps) and the two attractive travelers wondered the streets, enjoying the shows, laughing at the rubbish they sold in the markets and regressing to the rowdy teens we once were *snickers* and running wild through one of the many river side parks.

We then began the difficult task of searching for our hostel without any directions, due to my awesome organisational skills and inability to function on little sleep. After asking a cliche english old lady who gave us directions but warned us "it's not called St Christopher's anymore, I'm not quite sure what they call it these days" we began a 20 min walk in circles in general direction she pointed. With no idea what we were actually looking for Nafan finally decided to just head into a nice looking pub and ask the staff if they knew. They did. In fact the check in area was the same counter they sold the drinks from.

6 am England; where your breath is as thick as custard.

15 mins later we were checked into our 14 bed dorm (with one other freak show occupant in it) and wandered back downstairs to watch the Arsenal vs Chelsea game (which we won, ooo yea) and take advantage of the cheap drinks they offered their guests. By about 8 pm we'd had our fill and ventured out into the night, stopping briefly for a finger licking good dinner. Coming across a pretty relaxed, young looking bar we wondered in to find an open mike night taking place, run by the most talented long haired, singlet wearing, bearded man I've come across. Between that moment and the time we crawled into bed at about 1 am Nafan performed two songs for the 30 strong crowd, I had my head band "borrowed" by the birthday girl and we recorded a dance film clip to "this is Simon Joyce" which was subsequently ruined by the weirdo New Zealand guy who lived in our hostel room (not a joke, well he was a joke but he did actually live in the 14 bed hostel dorm).

I thought I had more pictures of Bath than this.

Anyways next morning we awoke at about 8:30, had the free "breakfast" and strolled over to the spa's for a 19 year olds version of R&R. Together young Timqth and Nafan (in his jocks because he has no boardies) went to the rooftop heated pool and swam around with the old folks for a while. We ventured down into the steam rooms and inhaled many gallons of vicks vapour rub smelling steam before heading into the basement for some more fine swimming/annoying of patrons.

After our two hours was up and we were sufficiently pruned, we trekked up a fairly steep hill, chilled out/guitared at the top before heading back down and bussing it back to central London. We caught the train to East Croydon where bottle of Bailys in one hand and bag of apples in the other we endured our favorite freezing cold walk back to my cousins where all the problems of our generation get solved by young Timqth and his intelligent counter part.

Chillin in a park.

So that is a pretty good over view of my English experience. Tomorrow we head back into London and catch the Euro star to Pariiiiii.

Christmas at the Train Station.



kymnrod said...

Whoo first one to comment! Hey Timmo... gr8 summary of your trip so far. was wonderful to talk to you this morning( night yr time). U sounded a wee bit tired. We are missing you.. me mostly 'cause now Loz is working too, i have noone to have lunch and watch smalls with! Keep on having fun and eating apples and other healthy stuff thats not fried, love ya, mum xxxxx

Lore said...

Ewww fried least have the super greasy fish and chips if you're going to eat crap...apparantly thats an english meal?? Glad to hear you and nathan followed in my and daniel's footsteps and had a super romantic frolic in the baths...although by the sound of it you did the more expensive one??
Did you get any photos of our cousin dearests?? I think mum and dad will be super sad if you didnt haha
Have fun in parriiiii (pretty sure thats a stupid thing to write) and give a massive bear hug and kiss to nathan and then nick when you see him xoxo

Lore said...

Also I can't believe that woman stole your headband...i think u should hunt her done

Karen and Rob said...

Morning from Oz with u 2 now in Pariii ... You will be filling Nathans little book up with French words now ... fantastic read Tim. We laughed bout Nathan swimming in his Bonds - he should be on the ads! First they were at the Airport in Syd and now in Bath. Oh n I am so jealous after reading my Jane Austin compodium heaps of times n hearing of their recuperation in ... Bath! until next instalment x Royters

joshua said...

ive been meaning to say this for awhile,but thats fair bullocks(im trying to use the language over there seeing as i am mega jealous you guys are travelling)that that chick stole ur should hunt her down and bash her.not bash,thats harsh.but punish.severly.