Like my singing? I know phee does. Duet some time yea? Ok so this keyboard is basically the same as Aus but the y and the z key are swapped around. So I may get sick of backspaceing all the time and youll have to deal with there being more z's than a usual blog. Deal? ok deal.
So, where to begin. I think I left you holding your breath in Stuttgart, spelt with a t not a d i have come to realise. After Christmas I departed for Paris to meet up with the lankyer and the more emotional trois bros so we could once again continue on our epic journey. In true Timqth fasion this proved a lil more difficult than it should have been. Arriving at Stuttgart Hbf station 30mins ahead of time I was surprised to find my train already on it's platform. The sign said the train was going to Frankfurt, which mine also was, although i was meant to get off halfway and switch trains. Alas i hoped on board and was soon freaking out as i noticed the train started to leave about 15mins before it was meant to. I asked the ticket dude, who did not speak english and he just said it was going to Frankfurt. So one 2hour trip later I was not where i wanted to be and had missed my train to Paris. I asked a lady for the next train to the city of love and she sent me back to Stuttgart to catch a night train.
Was quite a bizzare feeling being only minutes from my cousins house at 2am and they having no idea about it. They still don't. So the night train was probably one of the most surreal moments of my life. I went into tiny room and there was already 5 other people in there alseep. I climbed a ladder to the third story bunk. Listened to my ipod, drifted in and out of sleep, for about 4 hours then got up, got my stuff and got off the train without ever seeing any of my room mates faces.
That awesome night aside, I made it to the hostel at about 10am and met up with Nick and Nathan in time for the free tour around Paris. The tour was interestingßfunny, as they all are, and we got our cultural fix. That night we met up with Natty and one of the funnest nights of the trip entailed. Bottles and cameras in hand we headed to Eiffel tower, becoming those loud, bloody tourists that everyone hates. After many hours of ridiculous footage and photos we headed back home and crawled into bed knowing we had to get up in a few hours to catch the early breakfast (which finished at 9, not 9:30 so we missed it anzways).
The next few days I'm not quite sure on which stuff happened where but we went to Versialles. I don't know how it's spelt. But it was snowing when we got there which was sah-weeeet but alas, the big palace thing that Nick and Royters were heaps keen on (and Nat and I were not opposed to) was packed. The line to get tickets was about an hour long and then you had to join a new line (also about an hour long) to get into the building. As much as Nick and Nathan were keen to see the inside, the prospect of standing in the snow for a few hours was not heaps attractive to anyone, so the exhibit\museum was left to our imaginations.
Day after was the catacombs. Which were basically wicked. Once again the line was quite long, but about halfway through Nick disapeared and re appeared with Cheeseburgers so we survived the wait. Once we got inside we were blown away and many, many pictures were taken. Millions of bones and skulls were underground all arranged in neat patterns and walls. I'll let Nick or Fanman fill you in because the details escape me. We also went and saw the Spirit. Which was awesome. Just putting it out there.
So that night, I think, was new years. Hoorah! New Years was quite the awesome time but was a lil dampened by the lack of countdown\fireworks and the freaks that tagged along with our group due to the exzuberant (yep you heard me) singing of the national anthem and the Aussie flags. Point is we hung with Nat for pre drinkys, met her friends from Aus at a resturant about 10 then headed to...crap, i forget what its called, the big special place...whatever, where ever we were it was packed and lotsa fun. We wondered round once 12 came and went, lost some people, picked up a few, lots nathan, didn't get him back, then me Nat and Trick escaped back to Nat's hotel room about 3:30am and slept in her quite small (especially when a giant, lanky, freak boy is involved) double bed. Not sure what happened to Nathan. Should probably ask him that.
Anyways the next day we met up again back at our hostel. Did stuff. And that night we tried to book our train to Bruges\brugge. Alas the stoopid old hag lady behind the counter (after checking for a few seconds) decided there was now way at all to get to Bruges the next day. This kinda ruined the euphoric mood that had been floating around since our reunion, and we decided we might just have to wing it and jump on a train and plead ignorance for not having a booking.
However, the next day we just thought we might check again. And Delphine, the goddess of beauty, typed away and found a way to Brugge which involved many train swaps but we got there that night (not knowing how to get to our hostel, SURPRISE!) and eventually found our cozy, lovable home for the next two nights.
We almost met Ky. This young man, an employee at the hostel, was animant (don't actually know how that word is spelt, lil embarrassing but I'm using it anyways because I am dareing) about playing beer pong. This turned out to be the greatest decision ever as the troisbros, some americans dudes, some american girls and a lone english guy ended up having the greatest championship ever which went long into the night, ending in an underground pub at about 3:30am.
We wondered back to the hostel, stayed up till about 5am then got up at 9am in order to spend the day bike riding around the beautiful city. I think maybe if there was more to do I'd be üretty keen to live there. But alas there is no beach. So maybe not. If i get rich and famous I can buy out one of the massive churches and live in the attic. And ring the bell. And call myself Quasimodo. It'd be fun.
Saying goodbye to the Alec and his American posse was a bit sad but we survived as we ventured towards the infamous citz of Amsterdam.
Our hostel, more or less, was exactly what you would expect from a 10euro a night hostel in the middle of the red light district.
The owners\workers were pretty cool but everyone of our room mates were absolute freaks, particularly the lanky one with the Edward Cullins obsession and this other one who was always playing his guitar. FREAKS. But seriously, there was these three middle aged guys, not connected to eachother, who appeared to be living there. I wish that was a joke.
Aside from them Amsertdam was prettz awesome. More free tours entailed and we enjoyed them to no end, altough this was probably the first time we really felt the cold. This lil trip emphasised my hatred for anything that relates to prostitution\porn\mankind. The fact that women would stoop that low and the fact that men would indulge that makes me want to curl in a ball and cry for everyone. But I was having to much fun to do that so we kept moving. The first night in Amsty was alright. Just the three of us chillin out, wnjoying eachothers company and manly scent.
Night after we went on a red light district tour which, I must say, was friggin funny as thanks to the jack sparrow wannabe (not in a bad way) tour guide. When the tour was over we went into a hostel\bar and the tour guide bought us all jager shots (one euro). Beers were two for one and the night seemed like it was gunna be fun. And to add to this, we saw two of Nats mates from New years. We wondered over to them, many hugs and backslaps later we assimilated into their queensland 'heaps sick ayyye' group and spent the next few hours hanging with them before getting kicked out, heading to maccers (keeping the tradition alive) and then heading home to the foul smelling, snoreing room mates we grew to despise.
Next day was the Anne Frank Museum, which was incredibly interesting and surprisingly moving. So much info into my brain, so many emotions, it was like watching gossip girl. lawwwwwwwwwl.
Anyways the one day and too many cheap kebabs later we ventured to the traino again and headed to Burlin without any hiccups. hoooooraaaay! We made to our hostel, which is from the same chain as the enjoyable one in Amsty =) and had dinner, a few beeries and headed to the imax to watch Twighlight. Alas it is not out in Germany yet so we settled for the Will Smith movie. Which was quite slow, but pretty awesome anways. Also it is snowing here. Like a lot. Well it was. So there is snow on the ground. Which made us very happy and we frolicked for quite a while last night.
Today we went on another free tour led by the tinyest irish girl ive ever seen. We also discovered what it means to be my mother when she's cold. It got to the point were it was actually too painful to be outside and we went inside a random coffee shop which turned out to make the best coffee ive had in yourope so far. So there you go. After the tour we ventured home and now i am here.
I don't think i missed out on too much. And the others are probably wondering where I am seeing as ive been gone for 119 minutes. Woo.
Ok well this is probs the 3rd last blog youll get from me. So i love you all and will see you in a few weeks.
I LOVE BLOGS!!! Thanks for all this news timmo, and the piccys 2... just like being there . mmm cold eh? Now you know what i go thru each year at the snow!! 2 weeks until you get home and i get to give my boy a BIG hug!! Love ya, mum xxx
So good to have 2 blogs in so many days...and thanks for your texts Trick. Look forward to hearing more about Berlin when you get a chance to go online again.
You guys have to put Vietnam on your MUST do list.Ha Long Bay is a true natural wonder..also went cycling thru villages and paddy fields yesterday which was just wonderful. It's hard to believe that you will be home in less than 2 wks..enjoy every minute.
Hugs and love La mere Judy
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