you wont regret it...
Well well well hello my beleaguered readers. where was i? there was christmas and then Pari. ok that means new years is coming up! good times ahead. I am still currently in germany in case my massive recount has distorted your sense of time and space, as it has mine. Good news is, nick just brought my ipod so i might be able to get some photos for the previous blog. Even better news, i actually have photos for this blog which i am going to upload now.
Before we get to the time when the photos were taken, i have to explain the hilarious circumstances of our (forestalled) meeting with tim. so nick and i, not the most organised but demonstrably not the least, arrived in Pari again and manouvered through the arcane but addictive subway sytem with its distinctive doorhandles and ascended through the dense reek of Parisian gutters to arrive at our hostel, with the eiffel tower in clear view outside. lets take a moment to consider this surreality. we were staying, new years 08/09, less than four blocks from the eiffel tower. Incredible to think! how limitless our possibilities are.
So nick and i, drinking our cheap beers at a Parisian pub and utterly engrossed in yet another deep and meaningful, get a message from tim. little timmy. the poor waif of europe. What has he done today? i wonder, as i look on, nicks face splitting into an unpreventable grin. This is when i learn that he has not only got on the wrong train, but that he has found himself in Frankfurt, germany. So we slept, awaiting the (now possible) arrival of our friend.
We walk out of the door the following morning and straight into tim, who we laugh with and help him unpack. By the power of night trains he had finally made it to us, with all the odds on his side. We set about readying ourselves for new years, beginning with meeting nat again. third time for me! shes definately a eurostalker.
This is the fruits of our trip to versailles, where pieces of modern history continued to fall. this is where the seeds of bitter malcontent were sown that blossomed under hitler's hand, and is thus a very important place to see. unfortunately, the lines were ridiculously long so we didnt even bother lining up to get to the hall of mirrors. sigh, another 'next time' moment.
These are the gardens of the palace, which look even MORE beautiful in summer, so I'm told. it was very serene and helped curb the dissappointment of missing the halls.
One day we did take a hit as a team and endure an agonising hour and a half to get to the catacombs, which was in many ways worth it. For those that dont know, i have a notorious habit for needing to go to any bathroom, anywhere, with virtually no warning from my body. As fate would invariably have it, the moment we walk into the catacombs after what felt like the longest wait, I read that there are no toilets underground. ok, not so good. Tour time estimated: 40m. getting less good by big steps. Then, the urge hits as soon as i reach the last step in the crypt. At this point, i am utterly screwed. At times i had to fall back, doubled over from the concentration it took not to lose all bodily control. On the upside, it made the experience all the more memorable. maybe it will do the same for you.
This is the skull of a Parisian who probably died in the plague that swept through europe at the time, necessitating the hasty mass burial of thousands and thousands of people. It was pretty eerie down there, especially in the half light.
Walking towards nat's 90 euro a night hotel room. booking late means you pay through the nose at a time like new years in a city like Pari. its lucky we had a shred of organisation up our sleeve!
So new years had come at last. we had spent the last couple of nights leading up to it partying around paris with nat, but we were mobilised on this particular night. we headed en masse with thousands of people to the mesmerisingly well lit champs de elysee only to attract a throng of australians with the flags we draped on our shoulders. we cheered, drank, danced and laughed the night away, and drifted to sleep early in the morning.
it always snows the day we're leaving a place! Germany is still covered in snow right now because it comes down sneakily in the night. this is us running to the train station. We had tried to book a route to bruge, as our accomodation was already organised there, but had no success, so our final plan upon which we slept was to bank on the strength of our eurail passes and board the TGV that was headed to our destination, pleading faux ignorance to the inevitable ticket inspectors. we thought it couldnt hurt to check that TGV on the morning of our departure and realised with a stab of fear that it left not in a hour and a half but thirty minutes. This is why we ran to the station through the freezing cold morning!
This is us boys on one of many of the regional trains we had to connect to get to Bruge. in short, the attendant we had had the previous evening at the train station was an incompetent wreck and we were completely in the hands of what must have been a goddess by the name of delphine, the youngest and as far as we were concerned most talented rail advisor employed by SNCF. she connected a long list of regional trains together to ensure us a ride to Bruge, which we had only hoped to make it to just a day before. I fear that none of us will forget her.
Bruge. our heavy packs lightened by our airy moods, we walked around this picturesque city at night in search of our hostel, enraptured by its charming stone buildings resting against the banks of still canals.
My tangible excitement at the prospect of a night of beer pong. involving significant amounts of beer and a healthy side of pong.
The view of an amazing church tower that i forgot to flip. All the monuments like this are lit by night, showing off their splendour to all who could see.
I really like this picture. It captures some of the really classy angles of Bruge, clean and pretty.
This strategically placed rug has become something of an in joke amongst us bros that you may come to day.
A beautiful morning after shot of Bruge, mist suspended gently between the crests of rooftops in the chilled morning air. A church in the background, which become a familiar landmark to us weary travellers.
All the canals were froyen here, which made them real photoworthy.
another shot of the perfect canals.
Our uber savvy hostel had a map of the world where travellers could pin themselves. a pretty nice feature, we thought, and were tempted to steal some pins from new zealand.
The smallest bottles of grog ever!
A giant santa made ENTIRELY of belgian chocolate, of which we sampled. makes my mouth water just thinking of it. awesome.
So after Bruge, we headed to amsterdam, with mixed feelings. Anticipation, hesitation, all mixed into one. no doubt, the derelict trains we had to board were signs of what was to come. This is a shot from the station of our hostel, which is on the left. it was a beautiful view from the outside, but it still makes me want to shower thinking of the inside.
This is the same coffee shop (weed parlour) where brad pitt, george clooney and mat damon were shot for a scene in ocean's twelve, if any avid fans are out there. Of course the picture is pretty appealing too.
The side of anne frank's house which we saw in passing on our free tour. was awesome.
this is anne frank's diary, which i wasn't supposed to photograph this but i am just so mad ass. jones is my inspiration for all things in life. when i get back im going to tear up the streets of the gong like he does.
first glimpse of Berlin! this was much awaited after our time in amsterdam. It was getting a bit sickly with pot smoke hanging think in the air at all times of the day. and our roomates were excessively seedy.
These photos are now officially up to date. the last couple of days in Berlin we have been holed up in the hostel bar or braving the chill outside, in that order. I love it here.
Well my freinds thats it! im not going to tell you how long its been since i sat down today, but there is a distinct impression in the chair and i am almost totally accustomed to the keyboard if that gives you any idea.
much much love! talk again soon!
much much love! talk again soon!
Hi again Nafan. Again so moved by the Premium experience of YouRope by TroisBros. Say hello to the lads ie beautiful brothers forever bonded by the shared adventure. We will hardly be able to plumb the depths of all that has transpired in your distilled time away. Who would have thought you could see so much of had previously only been read about or seen in pictures. Leave some experiences behind for Mum and I to pick up when we go.Love you Son!!
Love the photos.
The one of the leather clad mannequins couldn't've had a truer caption. Tim is the weird kinky one in the gas mask, nathan's the shirtless man's man and nick is just gay and trendy.
Just like in real life! (:
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